By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 14:12 - United States

Today, I learned that I have the balls to base jump and skydive, but I still can't ask out the hot girl working at the pub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 683
You deserved it 8 535

Same thing different taste


Worst Case Scenario:She turns out to actually be a dude.

ikickgingers 15

Regardless. If I want something or someone I go after it. A lot of girls are like that. Don't stress it. The right one will come and that shyness won't matter.

Don't put her on so high a pedestal. She's just another human.

spazzy910 0

Are you joking? Girls love the boys who do crazy cook stuff like skydiving. She'll definitely say yes :) GO FOR IT!

There's too many "I can do this but can't do this"

slimmathers123 10

its nbd i jump off 15 foot cliffs and fly through the air sometimes up to 40 ft at a time i can jump into water from over 30 feet off a cliff i do bobsleding am going to learn skeleton and play ice hockey and i cant even talk to the girl i lile


Perfect conversation starter right there. All women like a little danger even if they don't admit it. Trust.

icantellu 7

unless he bounces back like a ball then technically the ground rejects people