By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 14:12 - United States

Today, I learned that I have the balls to base jump and skydive, but I still can't ask out the hot girl working at the pub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 683
You deserved it 8 535

Same thing different taste


**** your site. You guys don't understand freedom of speech. And you don't know a good fml when you see it. *****.

talktomandybaby 8
celticsfan69 0
talktomandybaby 8

Any monkey can base jump and skydive. It takes a real man to ask out a hot girl like that.

Alexisthebestest 16

Worst case scenario, she'll say no. It may seem difficult, but girls really aren't that unapproachable. Hell, she'll probably take it as a compliment if you ask her out. You may not see her again, so just go for it OP :)

Base jumping and skydiving your can break bones but a girl can break your heart, which can be equally painful

Though not as potentially fatal... Unless OP is the suicidal type after having his heart broken.

Maybe you're just subconsciously trying to kill yourself because you can't get a date.

Well of course. For those things you just take one plunge and you're set. Asking a hot girl out is only the first of the many things you have to do right to get where you want.

jose18 3

I seriously don't understand what's so difficult about going up to a girl and asking her out I'm in a damn wheelchair and I have no problem asking a girl out

More bad things can happen to OP while doing that other crazy shit than asking a girl out, he has nothing to lose other than a date

Start asking random girls out (ones you don't care if they reject you or not) Get enough practice then move on to the ones you really like. Baby steps....(: