By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 14:12 - United States

Today, I learned that I have the balls to base jump and skydive, but I still can't ask out the hot girl working at the pub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 683
You deserved it 8 535

Same thing different taste


Because asking a girl out is scarier than skydiving...

oops_im_fucked 8

Just treat it like sky diving, just go!

You don't get it! If OP gets rejected he might go skydiving... without a parachute!

rubinsmamma 2

ask her! base jumping & skydiving is hot!

Ha ha The one dimensional part was the kicker to this one. Because you become pretty close to that when you hit the ground from 13,000 feet. ^WIN

Sonic_boomerang 5

She could turn into a dragon and bite his head off?

I feel ur pain so badly dude... Adrenaline is amazing but when it comes in the form of the opposite sex its debilitating

I feel ur pain so badly dude... Adrenaline is amazing but when it comes in the form of the opposite sex its debilitating

mrmerino 0