By manicmandy - 01/08/2010 20:24 - United States

Today, I learned that ice cubes do not cool down hot oil. Instead, it causes a massive explosion of hot grease to splatter all over my parents' kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 501
You deserved it 78 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments


DemonicFatty 2

LOL Thanks Im So Going To Try This Its Sounds Well Fun :D

I'm the type of person to try crazy things lol :D

it can actually be dangerous and can cause you to get burnt. be careful. and wow OP, I'm guessing you don't cook.

I'm Going To Get My Friends To Do It Together :D & Freezer Ice Cubes? And Ill Try To Be Carefull lol

Yes Your Mocking The Way I Type, I Prefer Starting Each Word In Capitals. Problem?

Ignorance If You Dont Like The Way I Type Then Dont Rwad My Comments, And What On Earth Is A Period? Gosh & Icaptain Thats Not Nice Telling Me To Have Burning Myself

ignorance I fail you dont even know me blimey I'm sorry just cause we don't use (periods) in England who u kidding ? and iicaptain omg Americans must be naturally Aholes Americans are nothing but violence and hatred gosh go burn your self so You Cant Type Like This well what is your problem seriously I don't live to please you.

it's 1.30am I don't have time to waste to reply back to dumb Americans just because you do something different doesn't mean your right.

Raleigh_bruh 7

#91 - Did you just say people in England don't use periods..? I can't really tell if I read that right because of your lack of punctuation and sentence structure.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

They do use periods in England.. Good lord. Man. U. supporters are ******* stupid. :P

yes I said people in England don't use periods. what the heck are periods? and ohh gosh another person complaining I'm sorry I wasn't told I was in an English class and had to use the correct grammar and puncuations I do appologize... and as I said I can write however I want I don't live to please people goodbye it's 1.38am kinda getting bored

99 I ent stupid you don't even know me. God this is a Internet site I'm sorry I didn't know I had to write a bloody essay. And what on earth are periods then?

Raleigh_bruh 7

Duh, Taylor. :] #100 - I wasn't complaining, I was just confused. But I agree, you should definitely go to bed so hopefully by tomorrow you'll remember how write coherent sentences. :P

Your going on about (periods) well what are they cause the whole time I've been in school I've never come across using periods in my writing anyone care to tell me then?

Raleigh_bruh 7

Lol, they obviously know what a period is; you're just feeding the troll now. :P

iicaptain I will go to bed when I want to thanks for your concern. And as I said Englands different to America everything you know isn't always right to someone else tards

ignorance I do know what they are now just in England we don't call them periods we call them full stops which are used at the end of a sentences.

we call them commas too hooray somethings are the same :D anyways I'm off

UnitedxKingdom...I say type however you f-in feel. If It's Like This And Makes Me Want To Skip Past Your Comment, Guess What? ...I will. Period (now that we're all clear on what they are exactly). :)

ohthebloodygore 16

136 has a point I'm from England and we call them full stops. Seeing as how period means menstrual cycle, but he's obviously not from England seeing as he spelt realise 'realize'. Americans spell it with a z and us with an s. it's one of the basic things they teach us. He fails at being/trying to be 'English' and seeing as how his name and picture flaunt England, I'm guessing he's not.

Raleigh_bruh 7

#244 - I don't see where he/she used the word 'realize'.

ohthebloodygore 16

He/she wrote it on comment 100, I notice it easily because I have many American friends who correct me with their English.

Indeed they did, and they spelt apologise the same way. However it is called a full stop in the UK, but it's not difficult to figure out what a 'period' is. I quickly figured it out by applying year seven physics wave nomenclature to sentances. Good to know that was useful for something. @OP - Erm, you know how you don't mix hot oil and water? (I have been told you can do it safely if you add one to the other rather than the other way around, but I don't know how true this is)

ohthebloodygore 16

Raleigh- I apologise I meant 'apologize' not 'realize'.

ohthebloodygore 16

Non manlecture* Sentences* Sorry, it was buggering me.

So, let me get this straight. Americans say "because I said so, period!" to their children. *dramatic pause* Does this mean Brits say "because I said so, full stop!"?

Raleigh_bruh 7

Ah no worries, I figured that was what you meant.

ohthebloodygore 16

252- are you kidding me?! Actually when speaking to kids it's 'because! full stop. I! full stop. said! full stop. so! full stop' :)

ohthebloodygore, what's wrong with nomenclature? Sentences I'll give you, I constantly still screw that word up even though I actually now know it's an e not an a. You are also right that it's "because, full stop!"

ohthebloodygore 16

Not to be an arse or anything, know* not now.

ohthebloodygore 16

You hah. I'm guessing, you spelt it wrong by accident.

I didn't. I wrote 'now know' which is valid. And you still haven't answered my question about why you corrected nomenclature which is actually a word :P

ohthebloodygore 16

****, aha I'm not allowed to correct people when not having slept. What time is it? I did but FML didn't bloody post it I said that I didn't read it clearly and mistook it for another word. Kind of like now:)

LOL, they would be referred to as full stops in the UK. periods is the American word for the punctuation mark. goodness me.

UNITEDxKINGDOM - stop giving the rest of us British people a bad name as racist, trolling gits. People like you are the reason other countries hate us. And Ignorance, in response to your post #80, YOU FAIL for not understanding cultural differences. A "." in England is known as a "full stop", whilst you know it as a "period". Think before you shoot someone else down, regardless of how stupid they may be. And as for you OP, just be thankful YOU'RE not the one covered in boiling oil. Maybe this will teach you to avoid putting things on oil to cool it down.

Thanks You to everyone who understood where I was coming from I just got annoyed because a few people where hitting at me and calling me dumb just because I prefer to type a way they didn't like and not knowing what a period was cause ally time at school I've known them as full stops and a period is what women have every month. And i sorry to whoever if I offended you. thanks to the ones who understood xoxo (cant believe all this over my silly comment wish I hadn't wrote it now)

Why do you capitalize every letter?

you never put water in oil. what is wrong with you. just a tip- if there is ever an oil fire put it out with a fire extiguisher! not water.

DJuan 0

well. hmm. ..... stupid ass

deafeningsilence 8

125: Says the person who doesn't even HAVE a display picture up. You have no place to talk.

125-Rude. Anonymous or not, don't be a douche.

Rheannon 0

OMG have you ever seen time warp. seriously they did a warp on that.

stacizzle 0

I'm not going to give this a YDI, I wouldn't have known any better either OP. That really sucks :/