By Miss_Blaine - 29/06/2016 20:05 - United States - Houston

Today, I learned that my husband and I share the same taste in men. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 922
You deserved it 1 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flyingflies 36

This is a bit ambiguous. Did you discover that he's bisexual and happily married to you, which wouldn't be a problem? Or that he's gay and cheating or not on you? That'd be horrible and I'm sorry if that's the case.


Have fun with it- If you guys decide to 3way it with the same guy, you can literally say that you have the same taste of man....

I am equally attracted to both sexes, but also extremely monogamous. If he's cheating that's an issue, if not I say gender roles in the bedroom are boring. Women and Men should be able to explore the total range of expression in their sexuality. Appreciate the human form, but love honestly.

Same here. (Well, I may have a preference for guys, but I didn't even realize that I'm bi until last year, so I'm still figuring it out.) When I fall for someone, they're the only person I want. It's just that the person could be male or female. Cheating is a personality trait, not a sexuality trait.

I don't think #18 was referring to sexuality in the sense of cheating. More like, if you're a woman who is with a man who is also interested in other men, you should be willing to satisfy that aspect of his sexuality. Maybe ass-play? Anyway, that's how I took it. I could be completely wrong.

I meant gender roles actually have nothing to do with what sex can be, that is just a way of thinking enforced by the norm of society. Even if you're completely straight it doesn't mean you must have sex where women only have to submit while men dominate. You don't have a to be willing to do anything you don't like. But there should be an open mind that what turns people on is not so gender specific and that sexuality is not always completely polarized (especially for guys). l like to give and take and my physical sex doesn't affect that. I personally love men and women, but I don't feel like I'm missing something if I am dating someone. exclusively.

stangbang92 17

Were you both doing the pool boy?

This is still so ambiguous. Is he gay? Is he bi? Does he have the same celebrity crush as you? Did he cheat? What happened? (If he's bi, I hope you don't hold that against him. We're not all cheaters.)

I like my coffee how i like my women. Without a penis

Did you catch him hooking up with the guy you were cheating on him with?

Just think of the pillow talks you'll have!