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By seadrick - 06/06/2015 16:19 - Canada - Granville Ferry

Today, I learned that not only do wood ticks have a habit of dropping off of branches onto you as you walk under them, they also like to hang out in groups of five or six. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 811
You deserved it 2 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When wood ticks have more friends than you

Make sure you get them all... You should put them in a bag and send them to get analyzed to see if they carry Lyme's Disease. In Alberta, you an send them in through the local Veterinarian. Keep a watch on the areas that they bit... Watch out for any "bullseyes" developing on your skin. My cousin is very active outdoors and got Lyme's disease from a tick... Took them over a year to diagnose it properly so that he could get treatment! :S


fml community this is what our puns have made

outfielder55 17

It's better to be ticked off than to be ticked on.

When wood ticks have more friends than you

One of my military buddies ended up pulling off 46 wood ticks after a patrol we did in the woods. That's like a wood tick convention.

Fun story: One time while camping my dad got up early morning to go pee. The tree he stood under dropped 253 ticks onto his back. We counted them. It was hilarious.

Steffi3 40

Ugh, nasty creatures.. Make sure you remove them all should they bite, and to keep an eye out for any diseases they may carry

you should pick your battles better

You're in Canada, use that free healthcare to help you out

Attacksloth 33

Not free, universal. Comes out through taxes. It only feels free because there are no up front costs.

Make sure you get them all... You should put them in a bag and send them to get analyzed to see if they carry Lyme's Disease. In Alberta, you an send them in through the local Veterinarian. Keep a watch on the areas that they bit... Watch out for any "bullseyes" developing on your skin. My cousin is very active outdoors and got Lyme's disease from a tick... Took them over a year to diagnose it properly so that he could get treatment! :S

Wood ticks don't carry Lyme disease deer ticks do

...deers go into the woods. And I've had little "deer ticks" get on me from in the woods. So I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "they don't carry Lyme disease" because yes, they actually do.

Oh_bother44 11

Deer ticks CAN carry Lyme. Wood ticks do not. The FML specified that they were wood ticks.

I always though it was "wood morning to you". You know as a semi inappropriate , depending on whom you are with, morning greeting .

Eeyugh! Just reading that gave me the willies!