By seadrick - 06/06/2015 16:19 - Canada - Granville Ferry

Today, I learned that not only do wood ticks have a habit of dropping off of branches onto you as you walk under them, they also like to hang out in groups of five or six. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 811
You deserved it 2 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When wood ticks have more friends than you

Make sure you get them all... You should put them in a bag and send them to get analyzed to see if they carry Lyme's Disease. In Alberta, you an send them in through the local Veterinarian. Keep a watch on the areas that they bit... Watch out for any "bullseyes" developing on your skin. My cousin is very active outdoors and got Lyme's disease from a tick... Took them over a year to diagnose it properly so that he could get treatment! :S


This is why you should wear a hat next time you walk in the woods.

You don't travel with a posse? There's strength in numbers my friend. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.

Hey atleast you found them right away. The bastards had a sleepover last time I went out hiking.

I first read this as "Wood Sticks". I was really confusesd as to why tree branches were attacking you.

Next time rub organic raw coconut oil mixed with lavender essential oil on your exposed skin (especially around your ankles, wrists and neckline), the lauric acid in the coconut oil and the smell of the lavender work as tick repellents. Also wear clothes with tight cuffs and high socks/stockings.

Or take a shower in vinegar before you go out, if you're feeling truly daring.

Ticks are more terrifying than spiders in my opinion.

gobiteme2 34

Did you go back and count how many were in each group.

One time I walked into a nest of baby ones! It was hell trying to get them all off

The same thing happened to my mum while gardening. By the time she got back inside and into the shower about 70 or so had bitten. Thankfully they didn't carry Lyme disease and she is immunised against encephalitis.

haleymak_ 14

omg #30 & #31, you both made me never want to leave my house again