By Oh_So_Klassical - 18/09/2012 01:09 - United States - Lancaster
Oh_So_Klassical tells us more.
OP Here, and I spend up to 3 hours a day on the computer because I take a computer class and all the homework is online and that's why she turned it off. She called our provider and told them to turn it off, since she didn't know how. I didn't find out until I came home and attempted to do my homework, and by that point, my mom was in a fuss about not being able to get on Facebook. And since I'm her daughter, and clearly know nothing, she refused to believe me. My neighbor is the one who finally convinced her the internet was needed for Facebook.
Top comments
"Because you turned off the internet, mother dearest"
FYL for having an idiot for a mom. And the Internet thing too...
*gasp* Facebook needs internet?! ZOMG
Well I have no idea why Internet Explorer isn't working with out any Internet.
40-- I didn't know Internet Explorer could work, even WITH Internet...
54- I used Internet explorer since its name goes more with the joke. But yea, Chrome & Safari FTW
The world uses the internet. It is mayhem to not be on it at least some time in the day.
I'm curious as to how OP posted this without Internet.
81- Either after her mother realized the Internet was needed for Facebook (shocking, i know) or from a 3G enabled cell phone.
#54 Due to my computer recently being screwed over by tech guys, IE actually runs faster than command prompt. That's good and bad. EDIT::::::::::::::::::::: This should be an FML.
This is barely an fml.
Your mother is a dumbass
As true as it is, I don't think OP would appreciate you referring to her mother as a "dumbass". No matter what, she is her mother after all.
Unless your mom is Andrea Yates. If no one knows, Google is your friend.
Well played, 18. (No Google needed) lol
41: Not saying you're a dumb ass, but "he" (OP) is a her.
Maybe she would try to Google it. Then wonder why Google wasn't working either.
I'm actually surprised she knew how to turn off the Internet.
@8 i feel like i should know what this means, but i don't could someone please explain?
8-Execute order 66.
Ignorant mom is ignorant
Please don't start that again
ha ha, sound like the same shit my mom would do.

"Because you turned off the internet, mother dearest"
Your mother is a dumbass