By Anonymous - 12/10/2012 02:56 - United States

Today, I learned that scorpions can apparently hold their breath for hours, and that doing so makes them angry. I found this out when I removed a scorpion from the bottom of my pool and found that it was not entirely drowned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 665
You deserved it 2 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he survive? And how do you know he was there for hours? I am very curious about this one.

Why would anyone put a scorpion into a cup of bleach?!?!?


damn_homie 2

I didn't know they could do that. Thanks for letting me know before that happens to me.

I must be more careful when I drink my tequila with a 'floating' scorpion from now on.

nin10doadict 9

Damn nature, you scary! First you tell me rattlesnakes can swim, and now scorpions can go without oxygen for hours?

Ugh, and I'm terrified of scorpions. Now I'm even more mortified that they can't drown. This is good info to know.

ideasrule 13

Scorpions can hold their breath for up to two days.

YDI. Always use generous amounts of wasp spray. Wasp spray is vicious stuff. It will mess up its senses, make it do a crazy dance, and that is when you smack it with a shovel. Killed a hugeeee spider with this method. Oddly satisfying too.

That's why you don't pick it up with your bare hands maybe?