By Anonymous - 15/10/2011 18:54 - United States

Today, I learned that when I got my driver's permit, I agreed to be the designated driver for my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 364
You deserved it 4 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

but it's still illegal for you too drive. the person in the front seat can't be intoxicated


perdix 29

Carting around drunks is a marketable skill. You have to be able to converse with their drunken rambling without pissing them off and you have to scan them for imminent puking to know when to pull over. Then, you will have the mad skillz to enter the lucrative world of high-school prom limo driving.

My mom is the most embarrassing drunk ever. "Hello mr street camera.". It was bad enough that her friends went cougar. I feel ur pain

The laws for anybody under 21, or with a permit is that there must be a licensed individual over the age of 21 in the passenger seat, who is eligible to drive, and if the driver is under 21 no matter the circumstance alcohol can NOT be consumed the the car as it would cause an unsafe environment. Do something about this OP, as you will be punished with them for driving them.

Think of it more as how you get to protect your family from unwise decisions they may make while intoxicated. It's better than any one of them driving home drunk...

curlyfry33 8

If you just got your permit then i dont even think you can legaly drink

You are correct. More importantly, you may want to Google what a designated driver is.

I don't think not being able to drink was the main complaint here. Try again.