By stupid_world - 24/12/2009 06:02 - Canada

Today, I learned that while anybody can call me a bitch, my husband got mad at his aunt for calling our dog a mutt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 761
You deserved it 3 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course! Animals are more precious than human lives. That's why we give them better birthdays!!

No no, not stupid_world, stupid_you. Why would you not stand up for yourself against people calling you a bitch? If you know your husband is too much of a dick to do it for you, then do it yourself.


Nobody knows you or the dog better than your husband. Think of this as a chance for personal growth and improvement.

somepartsareme 0

@20 He just learned superior, don't confuse him.

So if you really think your so superior that nobody should be allowed to call you a bitch then maybe you are a bitch! If not though divorce him and take all his belongings money and the dog. If he's pissed afterwards say "Shouldve got a prenup!" Then get a restraining order. and a gun.

Calling a dog a "mutt" is essentially racism for dogs..

pattheaninal 9

Hey, can you roll over and lie down? Who's a good bitch!?! :D

This is not a healthy marriage. Just sayin'.

swgipe 9

I'll bet your dog is one of those "designer" mutts, something mixed with poodle or beagle with a foofy sounding name that he paid hundreds of dollars for. I applaud your aunt, because if that's the case, IT IS A MUTT! A MONGREL! And all you FUCKTARDS who spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for them deserve to lose all that money because you're too stupid to know better! None of those mixes are real breeds, they're all mutts! They aren't special! Get over it!

welderchick87 0

I totally agree with you. (#35) I had sent an email to somebody who was selling 'Mini St. Bernards' claiming they were pure bred. I told her there is no such thing as a Mini St. Bernard. They come in one size, and one size only. She got super nasty and tried defending herself saying that she is breeding normal St. Bernards with a smaller one...which then produces yet a smaller one, and then continues to breed them with smaller ones till she gets the desired size. So I told her, you aren't breeding Mini St.'re breeding runts with runts....and those puppies will be extremly unhealthy and cost the owner hundreds...possibly thousands of dollars in vet trips and medication. She replied back with 'You have no idea what you're talking about'. I didn't want to continue to 'argue' with such a idiotic person, so I never replied. But anyways....if you breed say a Pug with a is indeed a mutt/mixed breed. There is no longer anything 'pure bred' about the puppies...they are of mixed breeds. I will go crazy if the AKC starts recognizing the 'desginer dogs' in their Dog Shows, and the breed lists. The people selling 'designer dogs' are RIPPING YOU OFF!! You can get the same mix...or close to it at your local shelter(s) for 1/4 the price. You won't have to pay out the ass for a mutt, and you won't have the millions of vet trips because the dog from the shelter will be healthier. DO YOUR RESEARCH PEOPLE!!

sammyRachelle 0

#18, your comment is crude, and unsuperior, clearly, is not a word. Sorry your husband is a jerk, I say leave and take the dog. This goes beyond a FML to a disrespectful and hurtful situation.

Divorce him but make sure you get his double wide!