By GlassJAwkidE - 29/10/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, I learned there is a taste difference between grabbing a glass of milk that has been sitting on your night table for a week and the one you put on there 3 minutes before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 043
You deserved it 64 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GenevieveL 0
athiest_pope 0

what was a glass of milk doing there for a week?


franfran_fml 0

OP, you couldn't have worded this FML any worse.

ozymandias_fml 0

YDI for being a disgusting slob.

I can't believe a woman wrote this. Leaving a dirty dish sitting around for that long seems more like something a male would do. (No offense guys, but most of you are slobs. Deny all you want. "Us girls" know the truth. lol) So...the OP only states that "it's been sitting there for a week" but she doesn't specify as to whether or not she's the one who put that there. Perhaps she's married and her husband placed his glass there a week ago. She might have stubbornly refused to clean up after that slob of a man in hopes of him finally noticing and cleaning up after himself, only to mistake his old glass for her new one.'s hers. If so...Damn OP, clean up after yourself! Y so totally DI.

plutosaplanet 0

well im assuming if she is married that there would be either 2 nightstands or at least 1 on only 1 side of the bed. i have never put anything on the other nightstand bc it isnt my side of the bed and its not convienent. unfortunately, i believe she left it there herself =( ex-wife was the slob between the two of us and didn't clean worth a damn. I did all the cooking, cleaning, and other chores. There were numerous times I threatened to quit my job and become a house husband if the chore duties weren't going to be shared.

# 33 you clearly have not gotten laid in a while

yourkiddingright_fml 0

Being a man I will have to agree with you!

letitbe56 0

Assuming that women are neat and tidy and men are slobs is actually pretty sexist. It doesn't paint either gender in a good light.

Even if it was her husband, no one leaves milk out for a week on PRINCIPLE. That's like a house being on fire and saying "I'm not going to put it out, it wasn't my fault." By the way YDI, OP. A week? For serious?

plutosaplanet 0

where did you read it was chocolate milk?

Eww. Maybe you should've cleaned up the old glass of milk instead of leaving it on the table?! That's gross!

There's usually a smell difference, too. If your house reeks so bad you didn't notice, it's time to call the EPA.

YDI, for being a slob and not cleaning up after yourself!

_Haiithuuur 0

Maybe if you cleaned your damn room once in awhile, you wouldn't have problems like that. (Y)

yourkiddingright_fml 0

You definitely asked for it. My only question is, how could you not feel the lumps of curdled milk bacause after 3 weeks it would be somewhat solid!!