By GlassJAwkidE - 29/10/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, I learned there is a taste difference between grabbing a glass of milk that has been sitting on your night table for a week and the one you put on there 3 minutes before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 043
You deserved it 64 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GenevieveL 0
athiest_pope 0

what was a glass of milk doing there for a week?


Ok, first of all, how could you waste a delicious glass of milk by leaving it out for a week? I'll admit I leave glasses out at times, but they're always empty...especially milk. Definitely don't know how you missed the smell. When the milk in the carton is even slightly off, I can smell it. If it had been out for a week, that would reek so bad. Oh, and Ive seen a cereal bowl in the sink for a week, and the milk def hardened. You either can't see, have no sense of smell, or are just an idiot! YDI


Glam_fml 0

Are you my old college roommate OP? She constantly left shit everywhere. One time she left a glass of milk out that she only took a few sips out of. Since the rest of us were sick of cleaning up after her, we left it sit on the coffee table until it started to smell really bad, and then we moved it to her room. I don't know what happened to it after that. It's probably still there. So yes, women can be disgusting slobs, and they can even be adult disgusting slobs too.

HAHA. Sometimes slobs are just really THAT bad. My ex lived with a guy that refused to do his dishes. They got sick of cleaning up after him too so they took everything that was his and dirty and piled it onto his bed. My ex told me it stayed in his room for two weeks before they cornered him and MADE him clean. I said it in another comment, I'm not always the NEATEST person in the world - but being a disgusting slob like that? I mean you must really not care about yourself if you (you being the roommate, not YOU... or the OP in this case) are THAT careless about things around you.

I'm sure it's already been said but I'm too lazy to read.... YDI for leaving milk sitting by your bedside for three weeks.

crymeariver1984 0

It was for a week. Maybe it's best not to be ******* lazy and read for a chance.

Um, EWWWWWW. I mean, seriously - I'm not the neatest person in the world, I understand how sometimes you get involved in doing something and may even forget to grab that lone glass and throw it into the sink on the occassion - But MILK? For a WEEK?!?! Thats absolutely disgusting. How did you NOT smell it? Milk starts to smell and congeal after a day or two of being out.... UGH, I feel sick. Your apartment (or room) must be absolutely disgusting if you are careless enough to leave a glass of MILK out for a WEEK and not care. Y completely DI

dearambivalence 0
welderchick87 0

How exactly could you leave a glass of milk sitting out for a week without smelling something nasty? Seriously, that is just disgusting! If I don't finish what I'm drinking or eating, I take it out to the kitchen and get rid of it so that it doesn't smell. Do you see cockroaches running around your house? I bet you do! Lazy ass.

ydi for being freakin' nasty. ew, who leaves a glass of milk there for that long?! it's one thing to leave maybe a glass of WATER there for a week, but MILK?! you know that crap stunk to high heaven and back...i say again...nasty.