By sad - 07/09/2011 05:05 - Canada

Today, I left my book on the plane after I'd finished reading it. The flight attendant thought I'd forgotten it, so he chased me through the airport, past security, past customs, and past baggage claims. I didn't have the heart to tell him I left it on purpose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 073
You deserved it 46 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hlowe805 0

Y wud u just leave it? That makes no sense

Egnar 19

So what's so wrong about taking the book with a smile, carrying it for a few minutes and trashing it in a garbage? As for people saying "why would you leave a book?" it's obvious OP bought the book specifically to keep busy during a long plane ride and isn't the type of person to read a book twice.

If you want to throw away a book, go for it, but don't leave it for someone else to clean up. That is incredibly rude.

"get these mother ******* books off my mother ******* plane"

lmaoatall 6

You're just a snake on a plane aren't you? You don't have to explain to him why you left it. Just take the book and thank him. Now, if you take a cab, leave it in there. See if the cabby will go the extra mile to chase you down and return it.

Enough is enough! I've had it with these motherfucking books on this motherfucking plane! Everybody strap in, I'm about to open some ******* window.

Was it twilight? I understand why you left it.

There are easier ways to get rid of a book.

This is not a fml maybe for the flight attendant. Thank god you didn't tell him you left it there on purpose.

stacianichole 2

Aaaaaaaaaand... there are the Snakes on a Plane references, all at once.