By ej6901 - 23/06/2015 20:00 - United States - Ventnor City

Today, I left my dog in my car for 5 minutes while I ran into a store. The car was running so he was fine, the thing that wasn't so fine is that when I walked out my car wasn't there. My dog somehow moved my car into the middle of a intersection, almost causing an accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 813
You deserved it 19 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dantee2005 33

Take away his license until he learns to be responsible.

colvindj 22

I'm just trying to comprehend the fact that your dog apparently moved the car while it was parked.


Why didn't you just turn the ignition to the ON position without starting the engine? The vents would've stayed on. (Unless OP's car has a keyless ignition, I don't know if those work the same way)

OP most likely left the car running for the a/c. It is hot in NJ in the summer and OP did not want their dog getting heat exhaustion.

ghostriley 14

Why the hell would you leave your car running

Ava_Darkflame 26 the dog doesn't die from heat.

why did the dog need to tag along again?

Yeah the dog did it... Or you forgot to put the car in park

My car has one of the keyless ignitions, so future plan is if I have a dog or kid in the car for just a few minutes to just let it run with it locked but with the key still in my pocket

Dude, everyone knows not to let their dog alone in a running car, even if it is for only 5 minutes. That's what they also say about infant children, it's unsafe and I hope you learnt your lesson.