By Tonya - 28/06/2009 03:01 - United States

Today, I left the house for a while and when I came back my husband was wearing my lacy lingerie. He looks better in it than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 254
You deserved it 7 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yulia_fml 0

What a sweet husband! He voluntarily took on your role when he saw you were no longer a good fit for it. He's a true keeper :)

testing_fml 0


he ain't gay I heard that guys sometimes where thongs and stuff like that bcuz they r comfortable

lol, don't worry OP, that happens with my boyfriend, too. It's really quite hilarious for me and he gets happiness from seeing me laugh! He's not gay, a cross-dresser, or anything--he's just a guy who likes to be funny. Also, I recently purchased a shirt from Forever 21 (I don't normally shop there, but my best friend from middle school insisted we go so she could buy things for herself at camp)--It says "Keepin' Peace on the Streets" with the Seasame Street crew below it. My boyfriend, who grew up with Seasame Street, loved it and decided to wear it when we went out for lunch yesterday (it was a little tight on him, but that's okay). Anyways, when we were paying for our food at the Original Pancake House, the cashier looked at his (my) shirt and said, "I love your shirt! Where did you get it?" to which we replied, "Forever 21." The cashier then went, "I didn't know they sold shirts for men." I was quiet for a second, then said, "They don't." Awkward silence ensued, then nervous laughter. lol, awkward moment. I love my boyfriend, though. :)

1. How can he possibly look better than you...? 2. Time to ditch the freak.

pics or it didn't happen ;P lol jokes, sucks to be you FYL

kaykay10xo 0

he must get bored without u

haha, I don't know what I'd do in that situation. FYL indeed

Objexxx 0 This is how. When you are a beautiful man, it works. Oh, and Shinya is straight. Recently had a baby with his wife. This is also about 10 years old.

isnt that just better for you if he looks good?

what a bunch of ignorant freaks!!! don't you know - crossdressing is so common you probably have friends that do it but won't tell. totally normal sexual behaviour.