By Nick - 29/06/2012 21:39 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I let my daughter bake a cake for her brother's fifth birthday party. She showed up later with a cake in the shape of a cock and balls. Apparently it's okay, though, because "I frosted it to look like a rocket, hehehe!" I can't believe my balls spawned this moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 282
You deserved it 6 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's going in your son's suppressed memory


don't be an asshole. she's half yours, half your stupidity. dick.

wow you should of tought her better. cause if she's old enough to know what it she was being mean to brother if she is young enough not to know then why was she baking it herself

I get that it's inappropriate for a kid's party, but I'd eat it lol.

TheDoctor10 28

I would still eat it. It's cake.

I can't believe you are blaming your piss poor parenting on your daughter.