By wow. - 05/05/2014 03:18 - United States - Chicago

Today, I let my sister use my phone to play music in the shower, expecting her to use the speakers I have. She used a ziplock bag with a hole in it to connect her headphones. Now I have a waterlogged phone and my sister still doesn't understand why it didn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 634
You deserved it 8 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you tell your parents, and how old is she?


when she was born and god said brains she thought he said trains and said no I'll pass

so....#19 I guess you're including yourself in the "people are idiots" statement then?

I understand that you had faith in your sister, but one question.. How old is she? If she's young you kind of deserve it for not making sure she had the correct equipment.

askullnamedbilly 33

If you're old enough to use a shower on your own, you're old enough to know that electronics and water don't mix. It's not that difficult, anything that runs on electricity and is not explicitly stated to be waterproof absolutely cannot come in contact with water. Even a child should understand this.

You had better letter her know this technique will also cause trouble when applied to her boyfriend's condom.

Goblin182 26

How do you used headphones with a condom?

askullnamedbilly 33

More importantly, why would you want to connect your headphones to a penis?

oddities 20

#26, because you're into some really kinky stuff.

@ 26. Maybe they like "hard" rock?

Did you suggest OP teaching his sister to put condoms on her boyfriends? Did nobody else catch this?

If only you had a Samsung Galaxy S5, it would not have been a problem.

Or a Sony Z1/2!! But seriously, you could still **** up the headphones...and maybe **** up the phone by ******* up the headphones whilst they're plugged in. Even if the phone is waterproof, it's best not to tempt fate. It's not exactly difficult to get speakers or a radio or something. How does one even wash while wearing headphones??

Is there any need at all for that comment?

Well the first part was a mostly mocking the original comment but by also plugging my own favourite brand. Call it shameful/shameless/ironic, etc. But the second part was pointing out that even if you have a waterproof phone, whatever make, it's still not wise to do what OP's sister did. I don't think it's too unnecessary a comment.

Put it in rice quick! I've done that when I accidentally got my phone wet and it worked

I fail to understand the appeal or need to play music in the shower...?

kingdomgirl94 29

It makes singing in the shower less embarrassing should anyone hear you!

#42 I fail to see where #33 should have used "this" in her comment.

Nah, it IS pretty nice, especially as the acoustics are normally good in a bathroom. However, it's not normally worth bothering for a normal shower...I get my speakers out if I'm having a long shower involving washing hair, shaving legs, dying hair, etc but it's not really necessary when you're just getting ready in the morning.

#33- Unfortunately, I can't have my headphones on 24/7, so listening to music while I shower is a great alternative. It's not about being obsessed with your phone, just enjoying a mini concert in the morning. :]

the_smurf 5

Did you try turning it off and back on again? Just kidding OP, your sister sucks ass. FYL!

rocker_chick23 27

If she is a teenager make her buy you a new phone.