By Anonymous - 09/08/2013 14:22 - Canada - Langley

Today, I let my son take my car out for a spin, since he just got his licence. He didn't make it out of our street before totaling it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 420
You deserved it 15 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And this is why auto insurance rates for teenagers are so much higher than for adults. Because, in general, they're idiots.

imtooshy 18

I hope he at least isn't hurt?! Sorry OP, you can always replace a car.


kayteakay 26

Ah, the joys of parenthood.

You never observed him drive before letting him go solo.? You should have seen that coming.

In my area, we're on a graduated driving system. Newly licensed drivers aren't permitted to drive after dark for six months? after they've been licensed, and aren't pemitted to drive alone at any time (without a licensed driver over age 25) in the car until after they've had their license for a full year. The kids complain about it. But things like this happen so much less often.

Damn, so over there a driver's license is basically a learner's permit. Where is that, btw

SleeplessBeauty 12

Boy, He must have been going fast and furious in your neighborhood if he totaled the car.

Make his butt pay the deductible and then inform him that according to the Insurance Fairy, the closer the accident occurs to the address listed on the policy, the higher the rates will go up. Better start flipping those burgers boy!

Hope you had a piece of shit car, if do now. Sorry. You could make him pay for the damages to learn about taking responsibility for totaling your car in the form of a community college he needs to pay for hold down a job along with public transportation to a from everything until you feel he's ready to drive a car again. Also, have him take another driving test.

ViviMage 39

Buy your son a crappy junker that no one will care if it totaled! Take it from my family: my cousin Richard totaled my grandmother's car, 3 of his father's and his stepmother's! Mostly with booze, speed, and hormones!

Why the **** did your idiot family keep giving him cars to drive?

How exactly did he get his license?