By agony - 17/12/2011 03:29 - United States

Today, I'll be sleeping in my car for umpteenth time this year, because my psychotic wife is again convinced that I'm sleeping with practically every woman in my state. I'm too broke to pay for a divorce, and too embarrassed to go to a friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 057
You deserved it 5 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Feedmyaddiction5 14

That sucks! You should just go crazy and accuse her of sleeping with every guy in the state

every1luvsboners 11

So just drive around masturbating furiously until you get arrested. At least then you'll get 3 meals and a man to snuggle with.


Is that my sick mind, or is she just find a way to be alone and maybe... Who knows? We hear so much crazy stories that we start to get crazy too, I'm sorry op..hugs

Oh I forgot to mention, it happen to me when I was married, and I felt so bad that I missed the chance, cuz it's horrible to be accused of something that you didn't do, so till now I think, if I did it at least he was right about it, darn it! Lol just saying...

delilah09 6

Maybe she's accusing you of infidelity because she's doing every man across the state. Usually when chicks get that crazy, it's because they are guilty!!! Bitches be crazy! I feel bad for you OP. Give her a taste of her own medicine...

I feel bad for you. I think I would probably just do as accused, at least that way I could push back the seat and sleep with a smile

perdix 29

You're doing the time, you might as well go do the crime.

You shouldn't be embarrassed to stay at a friends house, if anything it'll embarrass and discredit her in your friends eyes. Then you should get her a psychiatrist appointment to really get your point across. Most likely she's the one doing the cheating and accusing you because she feels guilty and ashamed

LOL Had a close to this problem, check your county court clerk website, do it yourself divorce papers are easy to fill out and it was only about 250 in filing fee's to get mine done.

Who cares if she think's you're cheating on her? Do what you want, be with whoever you want. She can be the one to divorce you.

the divorce rate is down because everybody is to broke to break up.