By agony - 17/12/2011 03:29 - United States

Today, I'll be sleeping in my car for umpteenth time this year, because my psychotic wife is again convinced that I'm sleeping with practically every woman in my state. I'm too broke to pay for a divorce, and too embarrassed to go to a friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 057
You deserved it 5 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Feedmyaddiction5 14

That sucks! You should just go crazy and accuse her of sleeping with every guy in the state

every1luvsboners 11

So just drive around masturbating furiously until you get arrested. At least then you'll get 3 meals and a man to snuggle with.


Maybe your wife is paranoid because she was a cheater or still is. Hire a P.I. and have her ass investigated. Then divorce her

She's either psychotic as you say she is or you did something to make her believe that your some kind of cheater. There's more to this that you aren't saying.

Go to a friends house. There's really no need to be embarrassed...your true friends already know she's psychotic and will probably ask what took you so long. Good luck :)

I feel for you, my mom is the same.. Even spending a few weeks in a psychiatric hospital didn't do much for her, so really just get a divorce !

Low income fee waiver. Go to the courthouse and ask for the form.

You should look into Legal Shield. Its a prepaid legal service. Only $16/ mo. And you will only have to pay the filing fees for the divorce, which is about $200. Its a hell of a lot cheaper than the old fashion way.

graphicstyle7 17

That sounds horrible. Please, please leave her. You deserve better.

Dude go to a friends house, your wife is nuts

Call me an asshole but grow some balls OP.