By agony - 17/12/2011 03:29 - United States

Today, I'll be sleeping in my car for umpteenth time this year, because my psychotic wife is again convinced that I'm sleeping with practically every woman in my state. I'm too broke to pay for a divorce, and too embarrassed to go to a friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 057
You deserved it 5 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Feedmyaddiction5 14

That sucks! You should just go crazy and accuse her of sleeping with every guy in the state

every1luvsboners 11

So just drive around masturbating furiously until you get arrested. At least then you'll get 3 meals and a man to snuggle with.


Well go find a girl to stay with. She thinks your doing it anyway!

Your friends already know your wife is crazy. Trust me. We are in that position with another couple we know. This week the wife went to jail on domestic violence charges against the husband. A true friend will just want you to have a safe place to go. Seriously, sleeping in your car in December isn't healthy or safe, especially in NY in the winter. Please at least get counseling.

Sell your car, and buy a divorce (or marriage counseling). I've seen ads for cheap divorces for like $250.

Or if you need your car to get to work, sell your wedding ring to pay to get the divorce filed.

KICK HER OUT!!! Why is it always the guy who has to sleep on the couch or in the car?????

Okay, OP, since you didn't actually do anything, you should tell your wife that you are staying, and she can leave if she has a problem. No way would i leave MY home because I didn't do anything. Let her leave, it's cold out there.

Do you have a job, a paycheck? Open a new bank account and deposit your check in it. Move out, you will find friends very sympathetic and a good source of advice. You are going to lose the house anyway and no need to draw the line in the sand and establish some independence. Friggin grow up for Gods sake.

cccimpean 0
gofastguy 3

If your gonna be punished for something make it worth it..... Atleast you might get to sleep in a bed at the end of the night

bubo_fml 10

Been there, done that...Many times! I was real intimate w/ my hatch back & Army blanket...Ya gotta get out, Bra! Divorces can be expensive...Why? Because they're so fukkin' worth it! Seriously though, the best advice I ever heard was; "If you're not enriching each others lives, why are you together?" Keep ya chin up & good luck!