By agony - 17/12/2011 03:29 - United States

Today, I'll be sleeping in my car for umpteenth time this year, because my psychotic wife is again convinced that I'm sleeping with practically every woman in my state. I'm too broke to pay for a divorce, and too embarrassed to go to a friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 057
You deserved it 5 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Feedmyaddiction5 14

That sucks! You should just go crazy and accuse her of sleeping with every guy in the state

every1luvsboners 11

So just drive around masturbating furiously until you get arrested. At least then you'll get 3 meals and a man to snuggle with.


When you finally do divorce her, make sure you get your balls back in the settlement.

seeing as you called her psychotic you could sign her into a psych ward for schizophrenia (sp). she sounds delusional to me and you have the legal right to as her spouse. no more sleeping in the car for you

kookylocka 0

Check her medication. That may be part of the problem. Or at least you could 'switch' some meds that will get you a decent night's sleep

And I thought I was the only one with that problem

hateevryone 14

just leave her crazy ass. get a divorce later

Swalllow your pride and take the car to a friend's house. Once your wife is looking for you, leave to a different friend's house and so on.

yet not embarrassed enough to post this on the world wide web.....

xStaciexLynnx 15

Is she a psychotic delusional bitch or have you been cheating and now you're pissed cause you got caught? I'm just asking. I had an ex once who kept calling me a crazy bitch because I kicked him out when I found out he was also with another woman.