By forever1990 - 28/01/2013 11:52 - United States - York

Today, I'm getting married. A few months ago, I allowed my mother in-law to take care of catering. She begged to be a part of the wedding, so I gave her the caterer's number and order info. It appears that I will not be eating at my own wedding because she decided to order food I'm allergic to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 809
You deserved it 6 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm getting the vibe that she doesn't like you, if in fact she knew you were allergic to said food.


I know a lot of guys stay out of the fine details of a wedding but it didn't occur to you to find out what's on the menu at your own wedding? Every wedding I've gone to has had a variety of food. Between appetizers to side dishes. I'm sure there could have been something to eat besides the main entrée. If not? FYL for being that allergic to foods. :P

My mom got married in November, and she couldn't eat any of the food their too because of her allergies. If you can't get the food changed in time, I would just make a quick meal that you can take and eat. I know it won't be as nice, but you will still have something to eat :)

What we goT here is failure to communicate. So what you have her take care of catering Plans and do not ask for updates and menu selections? Lmfao YDI

first off, lmfao at everyone that thinks OP is the bride (unless she if using her soon to be husband's account) because it clearly says man in the details. second, you actually had time to eat at your wedding?!? I barely had an opportunity to get a drink of water at mine. we ate when we left, and our caterers knew how it went so they had cheese and cracker platers in the rooms for us, and togo boxes of the actual food waiting for us so that we wouldnt miss out.

She wanted to ensure there was something old, something new, and something blue.

Silver_89 9

You may have given the catering responsibility to her but you should have been communicating with her and the caterer to ensure it's being done properly - even if you trust someone to do it right, you should still make sure it's the way you want, since it's your wedding. That was a bitch move on your MIL's part though. Don't eat anything she makes for you either, don't know what she'll put in it . . .

Great. Assuming she knew of your food allergies... Aren't you happy to be marrying into that family? Good luck. You're gonna need it. Pack a lunch for yourself. (At least you are forewarned.)

tenfiftynine 12

Well OP Mother- in- law obviously knew his allergies because all food that was ordered, he had an allergy to.

Well that is the start of a long long crazy family relationship. I wish you luck. You need to watch Monster In Law and get a few tricks to put up your sleeves for later. :) A wicked mother in-law. Throw some water on her and see if she melts.