By forever1990 - 28/01/2013 11:52 - United States - York

Today, I'm getting married. A few months ago, I allowed my mother in-law to take care of catering. She begged to be a part of the wedding, so I gave her the caterer's number and order info. It appears that I will not be eating at my own wedding because she decided to order food I'm allergic to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 809
You deserved it 6 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm getting the vibe that she doesn't like you, if in fact she knew you were allergic to said food.


I think the menu is something you and your fiancee have to do together. Future mother-in-law is on flower duty.

kittykat1501 31

Ydi for agreeing if you knew she hated you

RedWolf16 21

I guess that's her way of being passive aggressive.