By Ringless - 25/02/2010 21:47 - United States
Same thing different taste
By jaxattax - 20/10/2009 20:17 - United States
By foreveralone - 13/01/2014 01:00 - United States - Franklin Park
Get out while you still can
By Bullet dodged - 20/02/2021 00:59 - United Kingdom
By forever1990 - 28/01/2013 11:52 - United States - York
Bad omen
By weddingblues - 30/05/2011 04:19 - United States
By Jim - 28/03/2009 01:10 - United States
Don't get it
By Anonymous - 09/05/2015 19:17 - United States - Bristol
By Anonymous - 30/11/2013 16:09 - United States - Deer Park
By soccerlove09 - 11/10/2010 18:18 - United States
Sounds like a plan
By Billybob - 28/07/2024 07:00 - United States
Top comments
Her excuse to break it off, i bet she has a secret lover
since when do people marry cry babies and 4 year olds?
nolasaints, Whats more important? The Husband/wife or some stupid cake? If she manage to call off a wedding over a stupid cake then she is hiding something. especially if the OP(husband) is allergic to Chocolate. and I assume you never been in a relationship.
let her go and don't say anything to her at all. she's going to call within a week or two and your job is to ignore her...completely. don't talk to her, don't answer the door, and don't answer the phone. if you do, you fail at life because you're going to end up getting married and we'll be reading another post from you about 6 months from now (if that) of how your wife is divorcing you because your she wants to move to Peru and you won't go because you have a job and this time you're going to be selfish, boring, AND stubborn. listen to the commenters dude...even the females are warning you here. FML...we know what's best
Maybe she hates you and wanted you to eat the chocolate.
I say ur better off anyway
You know, cake is a lie anyway right?
while she was a bitch for breaking off the wedding, you should have let her have it, that what YOUR grooms cake is for.
what a bitch
I believe that this is a fake
totally true dude, if she new that you were allergic to chocolate why wuld she want a chocolate cake -.- Fyl for her having a secret lover but YDI for not pleasing her therefore her needing a lover.
Minus the whole "cutting the cake" bit.
What a triffling skeezer. She trying to kill you just minutes after she traps you for your insurance policy. Go grind up some apple seeds and kill her first.
**** you 113. your one of those bitches. we are not made of money. one cake is fine and it should be something they both like. it's called compromising. if she isn't going to fold on this, just imagine when they are married and the shit he has to put up with. high matinance bitches are totally not worth it. eventually your pussy is going to get boring and cheat on you anyways.
Swag is right. She is selfish and childish and more than a little unreasonable. The wedding cake is for both of you, especially since most weddings have a cake cutting (and eating) ceremony. I want to believe she is just a bridezilla or really high-strung about the wedding but this is just too extreme. This marriage would not go well for you.
you're better off without her. good thing you found out before the wedding what a selfish, superficial b|tch she is
Why is everyone going on about the wedding??? This person is allergic to CHOCOLATE. FYL!
Im confused as to why you didn't have a different tier be a different flavor? Most wedding cakes are more than one layer, and those layers usually dont touch each other. A lot of people have different kinds of cake on different layers....
i dont think that u would wantto marry her anyway then.
Where do these people come from? Did somebody just roll back a big rock and let them all out of a cave somewhere?
Sounds to me like you got off easy, OP. You're lucky to not marry an entitled bitch who doesn't care about you. If you had married her, 15 years down the road you'd finally come to your senses when she's got you both into 100k of debt buying things to satisfy her princess complex, and you finally decide to divorce her, and you get half her debt and she gets the house.
#158 just because #113 mentioned a groom's cake, that does not make her high-maintenance OR a bitch. Groom's cake is just a new trend going around that ALL social class people can partake in. Not just the wealthy. It's purpose is for the groom to get what he wants in a cake, because nowadays the bride pretty much picks everything. That being said, the OP's fiancée WAS wrong for breaking it off over a piece of cake, but like I said before at least he is not going to be tied down to the bitch now. FYL OP.
I agree I think she's a selfish bitch
"Groom's cake"???!?! Just another B.S. way for the wedding industry to squeeze some more money from people who should be saving for their new life together...
Allergic to chocolate?!?! Definitely FYL >.<
u oboviously didn't desevere someone shallow enough to call off a weeding because they couldn't get the cake they wanted
Yes, consider yourself very lucky to have gotten out of this! Unless you really LOOOVE the drama of childish ultimatums and selfish hysteria. But then, there are plenty of those kinds of fish in the sea. Find yourself a quality woman who cares about you, not her "dream wedding". Please note: quality women are not always as good looking as high-maintenance drama queen trophy wives. Decide what's more important to you.
it has nothing really to do with the cake, it is about how she acted and treated him, that is just one of those things that should be a compromise, throwing a fit because her fiancé is allergic to chocolate is completely un called for, we are not in elementary school anymore
Groom's cakes are an old custom, and at least in my area they are traditionally chocolate and/or comical. I guess they're coming back because there are now so many extras being pumped into weddings. The trend that trips me out the most is the whole multiple wedding gowns thing. One gown, one leaving for the honeymoon outfit, the end, that's all that makes sense to me, I mean it's one day and you've already changed clothes three times at least, that would get tiring and expensive. Anyway, fyl but good riddance, anyone who pulls the "its MY day and i get whatever I want" crap about a wedding (the start of a married couple's life TOGETHER ) doesn't deserve a life partner anyway, particularly when she does it at the expense of your health.
198 your right he's missing out on something
But to call off a wedding over a cake is ridiculous.
moist haha
Some people are just really stupid. My friend is allergic to kiwi, and a suitor (boy who is interested in her) knew, but still kissed her after drinking a kiwi drink.
you're better off
Yeah seriously how did you not notice her being a massive psycho before this? Unless she actually doesn't know about your allergy, in which case you should just explain it to her...
I think Op is the one being a problem. He's not going to be eating all the wedding cake. It's for the guests. That's why they have a "grooms cake" I made my own wedding cake. It was so tasty I didn't get a single bite. Let her have her dream cake & get a grooms cake you like. There are simple solutions for everything.
Apparently she actually wants to marry herself.
Didn't you know most woemen don't even want the man at the wedding cause he would probably mess something up but there is no choice if the actually want to be married.
well yes if u didn't have the man there u wouldn't get married dur duh dur
Aren't wedding cakes usually vanilla and white? o.O
No, lol. Get with the times! Just kidding. But seriously, they come in many flavors, just like birthday cakes. Yeah, the ICING is usually white, but other than that, it's pretty varied.
I know right, everything else at a wedding is white. "oh bloody hell, let's just go shoving brown stuff all over each other so we can have some jolly well dashing stains"
i think so
Why were you going to marry a 4 year old?
you should have gotten a non chocolate grooms cake. a woman ALWAYS gets what she wants on her wedding day. u should always agree with the bride. thats why they have grooms cakes, so u think u have ur own little something. YDI
You sound like a bridezilla in the making. You are a bitch and you need to learn the very simple fact of life that you don't always get your way. Especially in marriage. Marriage is about compromise, not abusive behaviors and hissy fits from idiots who were spoiled rotten. Like you and the OP's fiancee.
I agree with you, there are 2 cakes the bride has hers and the groom is his.
I think there's only 2 things to be said to you: **** YOU.
No, she actually was being a stupid bitch. As someone planning a wedding at the moment, I can safely say OP's ex is a selfish ***** who deserves nothing but misery for the rest of her life. It's a ******* CAKE. So her not getting what she wants automatically means she gets to throw a bitch fit and break up with her fiance? Him being allergic to chocolate is something she's obviously known for a long time and if she couldn't somehow get over the fact that she won't get a totally chocolate cake she's in severe denial. She also must've forgotten that yes, your wedding cake can be various flavors. OP: she's probably hiding something.
If mandacakes' only point was that the concept groom's cake was created for this reason, OK. But the rest of her comment was bitchy and 'zilla-y. A woman does not ALWAYS get what she wants on her wedding day. I just got married and compromised on plenty of things because I wanted my now-husband to feel like it was OUR day, not just mine. Things that have to do solely with the bride, like her dress, hair, etc. -- sure, she should do what she wants. Things that are about the couple and the celebration in general should be agreeable to both the bride and groom. What a selfish beotch OP's ex was.
And you sound like one of the reasons this world sucks. Entitled *****.
@7- The fact that OP said that his ex-fiancee called him childish AND cheap tells me this: HE was paying for the wedding, therefore HE should have had SOME say in what was going into the cake, especially if his health was an issue. I've worked as banquet cook in hotels and catering halls, and the kitchen staff always has to be notified if ANY guest has a food allergy. IMO, Bridezilla was being a ****, and should have shown way more consideration than that, since he apparently was paying for everything and probably couldn't afford to buy a groom's cake for himself . OP you're better off without her.
EDIT- Just re-read Op's post, and he explicitly states that he was paying for the cake. If Bridezilla wanted a chocolate cake, then the bitch should have anted up and bought him a groom's cake in return!
Uh, no. Even if he weren't allergic to chocolate, he still should have had a say in what type of cake it was. Despite what you seem to think, the groom is still half of the couple, so he should be able to enjoy himself, too.
i hope you stay single forever because i feel sorry for the poor man you will trap into marrying you. Marriage is the start of a partnership.. not "the day of the bride to be bridezilla"
you don't know who broke it off and who actually over reacted, he wrote it on FML that should tell you a lot

Her excuse to break it off, i bet she has a secret lover
you're better off