By forever1990 - 28/01/2013 11:52 - United States - York

Today, I'm getting married. A few months ago, I allowed my mother in-law to take care of catering. She begged to be a part of the wedding, so I gave her the caterer's number and order info. It appears that I will not be eating at my own wedding because she decided to order food I'm allergic to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 809
You deserved it 6 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm getting the vibe that she doesn't like you, if in fact she knew you were allergic to said food.


Why didn't you tell her what to get, or if anyone is allergic?

How did the wedding go? Other than that

My mom hides almonds and coconut in everything, says it isnt there and my allergies are in my head. I can't eat anything she prepares.

Time to make Mom some exlax (chocolate chip) cookies. She how she likes her food being sabotaged

Mother in laws...... Sadly many of them are just plain disrespectful. Now you know the kind of person she is.

I never seem to understand that so many people have a sick, twisted or just platin ****** up mean m.i.l. Actually I thought it to be in the movies only... FML has now several times teached my differently.. Sadly... BTW. I loved my m.i.l May she rest in peace!

reaper1718 7

Don't you females ever realize that the mother in law doesn't like you till you find something you both have in common MALES have mother-in-laws too. And some of them are just bitches. Mine, for instance. It's not always about things in common.

sdkphoenix 4

Why didn't you went pre testing the menu?