By Anonymous - 31/01/2010 18:37 - United States

Today, I'm in the hospital because I sliced my leg open. Why? I jumped off my bed and scratched myself on the metal bed frame when Miss America was crowned to Miss Virginia. I'm 20 years old, and a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 461
You deserved it 34 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is this your "coming out" post? if so, congratulations! :)

I will never understand why so many people who post on FML feel the need to write just awkward sentences. Why not just write "when Miss Virginia was crowned Miss America"?


I think he is already gay if you have noticed! :)

He's not gay, he's just a guy who has nothing to do and decided to put it on a channel where a pageant was on, and decided to show his emotions.... Yeah, he's gay.

um u think a 2o year old male watching a beauty pagent is normal.... his gay for sure

Right. HE'S gay for watching sexy women compete in a "who's sexiest with the best attributes" contest and got excited when a representative of his state won. What were you watching? A football game where sweaty men ram into each other over and over and handle balls? I don't think OP is the gay one here. ;)

so your saying that u sit there and watch it too? as well as haveing a OVER excitment attack? wow intreging

Well, I'm a chick, so if I was watching Miss America I don't think anyone would give a shit. Or would it make me a lesbian? Is anyone who watches Miss America gay, or only men who appreciate smoking hot women?

I'm a teenage girl, I didn't even watch miss America. Ur gay.

grimspook76 0

You might want to rethink the "man" part.

If anyone asks, say you got it in a fight.