By Anonymous - 09/06/2017 21:00 - Argentina

Today, I'm mourning the rabbit I've had since I was a child. I adopted him just after he was born and we've been very attached ever since. When I came home from school, I could smell a what I thought was a chicken roasting in the oven. But after I finished my dinner plate, my parents asked me if I had liked the rabbit. Yep, my rabbit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 234
You deserved it 387

Top comments

Whispra 5

What the hell is wrong with your family?

I'm so sorry, dude. When my mom and my aunts were all kids, my great aunt did this exact same kind of thing to them. I'll bet they are just as horrified as you were.


Mr.Fuckurlif 7
independent minded 3

Hi, Argentina. I"m so sorry for what your family did to your cherished pet rabbit. What is wrong with your family that they'd pull such a horrible stunt, particularly without telling you?

Jillyfish13 6

I am so sorry! That's terrible!

Mozelle123 10

What is wrong with your parents?!?

that's awful. I'm so sorry that happened to you it sounds like a traumatising incident

VegasBiggs 3

I grew up in a small town near my grandparent's farm, and my very first oet was a cow named Bessie. I loved that cow and every time we were out at the farm (3-4 times a week) I would feed her, water her, ride her around the pasture, etc. One day when I was about 6 we went to the farm and I couldn't find Bessie in the field with the other cows. I asked my dad where she was, and he said, "what do you think we had for dinner last night?" I was a vegetarian for about 20 hours. Then I decided that meat was meat, it was the circle of life, and I really wanted a cheeseburger for dinner. I still say a little thank you to the animals who gave their lives for my nurishment at every meal.

thatonetribute 31

Your parents are the literal devil. What in God's name made them think this was Okay?!

crashtestdumplin 16

Sorry this happened. I was surprised to find out my dad fed my mom’s pet rabbit to his pet python. He use to laugh about the story but it was horrifying.