By Tmth - 25/05/2016 22:24

Today, I'm on crutches due to hip surgery. I went to the fridge to grab a bite to eat, but quickly realized if I wanted anything, I would have to eat there. I can't carry anything. Cold leftovers here we go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 368
You deserved it 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had that issue after my ankle surgery, too. Put on an apron and make a pouch or use a grocery bag to carry the things you need to where they need to go.

The solution is simple. Place the fridge on a dolly and roll it everywhere you go. It even fixes the issue of "cold" leftovers. Sure, you might get food poisoning, but risks must be taken for the sake of convenience.


When I was on crutches for 6 weeks, I attached a small chiller bag to my crutches using cable ties. other than its uses of holding food or a thermos, it perfectly fitted a bottle of wine and 2 glasses ☺

I had hip surgery a few months ago too, and had the same problem. I unscrewed one of the handles and slipped a bag over it and then reattached the handle, worked really well to carry containers of things!

one solution that may work is to have a friend make a small platform/harness for you to wear, allowing you to place multiple objects on it

Learn to scoot on your butt! Works for me! My legs aren't even broken, I'm just lazy.

PUT IT IN A WALMART BAG AND CARRY THAT SHIT IN YOUR MOUTH. It sucks but it's the only way...