By fuck my goddamn life - 15/02/2014 20:51 - United States

Today, I'm stuck in a hotel with my psychotic mom, all because she swore there were "demonic" noises coming from our oven. Yeah, our oven is totally possessed, you idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 565
You deserved it 4 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretend to fall asleep and then act like you got possessed

Give her a list of your favorite baked foods that are known to repel demons.


For crying out loud, she's your mother; she's scared of something, and notice that she took your whiny ass with her to the hotel because she thinks your home is dangerous. She's not an idiot, she needs safety and care. I don't know how you are with her so I won't make claims that you're an asshole or anything of the sort, but try to be more understanding. If she's suffering from some mental issues, imagine how terrified she must be. It isn't her fault. Think of the recent FML about that fucktard who beat his kid; your mother is just afraid through no fault of her own. P.S. Might want to get your oven checked, could be a gas leak.

nah I think the op head is just fine, yours hwoever....

cryssycakesx3 22

"I don't know how you are with her..." at the very least she's a dick to her mom on FML which is uncool. this is hardly a reason to be that big of a **** to one's mother.

edvin_fml 10

I'll have baked potatoes with rosemary and Lucifer, please

I guess now is not a good time to say Praise Seitan! Can you go home and do a fake exorcism on the oven, OP, to try to set you mom's mind at ease? Do some chalk drawings, a circle of salt, burn some sage, do some chanting, and there ya go.

Remind me why you HAD to go with her? You idiot YDI

Ever considered that OP might be underage and still have to listen to his mom? Might wanna use your brain a little before accusing other people of being what you are yourself.

chocolatefrog28 29

Demons, maybe. Do you know where your pet cat is though?

martron3000 5

It was probably just the "Devil's food" cake that was baking in there that made those sounds.

harmtouch16 11

Have you considered getting mental help for your mom instead of calling her names, you idiot?

Sounds like your mother needs to be medicated or have an exorcism