By fuck my goddamn life - 15/02/2014 20:51 - United States

Today, I'm stuck in a hotel with my psychotic mom, all because she swore there were "demonic" noises coming from our oven. Yeah, our oven is totally possessed, you idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 565
You deserved it 4 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pretend to fall asleep and then act like you got possessed

Give her a list of your favorite baked foods that are known to repel demons.


don't disrespect your mother! especially - don't call her an idiot, even anonymously.

reminds me of the furnace from home alone.

You gotta watch out for those oven-demons, they aren't anything to mess with

Did you ever think about trying to help your mom? Instead of letting her affect your life like that? I mean, it's just a possibility, you know, that hearing sounds from an oven might indicate psychosis, and guess what! People don't give psychosis to themselves!!!!! Go help your mom you ******* idiot.

It's just like Ghostbusters, just no the refrigerator.

skyeyez9 24

Did you at least open the oven or turn it on to see what the noise could be coming from? The noises could be because something is loose or broken. Hopefully it wasnt a cat she stuffed inside or something.

Draw a gigantic pentagram on the bathroom mirror in runny ketchup.

Don't call her an idiot she probably done so much for you. You have to show some respect.

plot-twist the oven is actually haunted

My mom also had mental illness. Not fun but but at least you get to stay in a hotel.