By Joel - 25/08/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I made a mistake at work that got seven people fired. I'm scared to leave the office because they're all outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 520
You deserved it 70 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments


man up asshole. you deserve it if they stalk you and throw bricks in your window. hell if I were them I'd throw an effing cement truck threw your window. I can't stand people that cower away from their mistakes and let others take the blame. you=pathetic. have a nice day now :D

If you don't admit it was your fault, then I hope they beat the shit out of you.

TashaLenaKitty 0

stay strapped. this is America. If you get attacked by an angry mob light em and kill every last one of em

what did u do op? cuz if u won something then the hell with them.

dude, that's not cool and if you don't fess up, karma will definitely come back to kick your ass. THAT'S 7 PEOPLE'S LIVELIHOOD YOU JUST RUINED.

maybe op screwed up on a group project that the other workers didnt do which got them fired or not but even if op makes it out of the building who knows what ops car is gonna look like when op gets out of the building anyways op if it was your fault you should fess up it's not cool to have gotten those people fired

CrazeDblaze 0

It was you!!!!!! WTF man.... my kids are hungry because of your shit for brains