By Joel - 25/08/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I made a mistake at work that got seven people fired. I'm scared to leave the office because they're all outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 520
You deserved it 70 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments


emo_freak 0

What did you do that got 7 people fired?! I think you should consider new job listings before and then tell your boss to give those people their jobs back.

ey guys give him a break every one makes mistakes tell your boss what really happened and be honest. that'll get you points roasted a second chance:)

No, that'll get him fired. Welcome to the real world. OP: All I have to say is YDI and I hope you get fired and get your ass kicked!

25, it's little worms like you that makes people lose faith in this world. may the angry fleas from seven old dusty camels infest your pubes

JayMorales 0

is your name Michael Scott by chance??

allie198 0

123--whoa you look like a person i knoww lmaoo

JayMorales 0

haha well I live in Iowa. so idk

I don't care if you deserve it or not... your life is f'd!!!

what could you of possibly done?? lol sorrryyyy though!(;

How about you tell your boss and stop acting like a little girl?

admit what you did!! seven people are unemployed in a horrible economy for no fault of their own. don't blame them for waiting outside.