By Joel - 25/08/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I made a mistake at work that got seven people fired. I'm scared to leave the office because they're all outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 520
You deserved it 70 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cinnamon20 1
Aeropostale 0

Wait, how did you get 7 people fired without getting fired yourself? Hmm...YDI.


why the hell did so may people get thumbs down for commenting? OP did you thumb all these people down? It really is all your fault dumb ass. you need to 'fess up 'cause losing you job is better than being hospitalized dude.

1trinity1 0

dumbass ******* go tell your boss its your ******* fault and face the godamned consequences and if they still wanna kick ur ass then let them do it asshole

rubyroborr 0
astroid714 0

tell ur boss to give u a ride