By Joel - 25/08/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I made a mistake at work that got seven people fired. I'm scared to leave the office because they're all outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 520
You deserved it 70 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jimu 0

Douchebag, I bet you have a history of ******* up other peoples live and of course always by accident. Almost as if you're the victim. Do us a favor and go **** yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnaDarkAngel 0
sipher16 0

I just want to know what you did to get 7 people fired.


One of the funniest FMLs I've ever read.... faved!

Rick_S 3

Today, some idiot at work made a mistake that got me and 6 other people fired. FML Nice way to think about yourself. You're still employed in this crappy economy, unlike the seven people you got fired. YDI

If you want to do the right thing, tell the boss it was your fault.

bman134 0

hahahahahahahahahahhahhshshshahahahahhah your stupid and I hope you get your ass kicked hahahahahahahahgagaggag I haven't laughed this hard since the fml about the guy that meowed when he climaxed

Leave OP alone!!! You're lucky he even wrote this FML for youuuuu!!!!

UpYoursInAdvance 0

How the **** does one make a mistake and have seven people FIRED???!? Until I hear more YDI...