By mary - 21/02/2012 15:33 - Australia

Today, I managed to cut myself on a piece of chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 856
You deserved it 9 140

Same thing different taste


KTC30 0

That Japanese chocolate is some crazy shit.

RoxxyHustle 7

LOL!!! Don't feel badly I cut myself on dried jam stuck to a cake server once. :-)

KiddNYC1O 20
benright313 0

I love the FML's that make me chuckle irl (: haha

BIONETICmaster 0
phresh_men17 3

That's nothing! I know a girl who cut her finger with a strawberry :)

dr_tired13 4

Lmao how did you manage to do that knowing my luck I'd probably do that