By comfort_ - 27/03/2015 03:28 - United States - Dalton

Today, I managed to take an entire shower without realizing my socks were on. I washed my feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 558
You deserved it 10 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't wonder why your feet suddenly change colors?


Sounds like something a person would do upon just waking up from a long night of drinking.

My wife does that sort of thing but she's 7 months pregnant. EPT time?

Were you wearing really thin skin-coloured socks? That's the only way I can understand how this could possibly have happened, lol.

Do you mean until you washed your feet? You deserved it. I've gotten in with my bra and/or panties on. I deserved that too. LOL.

Epickitty58 29

Well, now you don't need to put your socks in the laundry.

At least its not much of a problem. It's just strange

I think you'll find you actually washed your socks.