By sad - 24/04/2009 08:18 - United States

Today, I met a really cute guy at work. He asked for my number, and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. After looking at the paper, he crumpled it up, yelled "Do you think I'm stupid? I know the rejection hotline when I see it", and walked away. It was my real phone number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 269
You deserved it 3 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His loss! Looks like he's stupid after all.. i'd call that a lucky escape


Ibeapirate 0

what a paranoid asshole. sorry hon, better luck next time.

woah_dang_baby_fml 0

I think you're dumb. You could have made him call the number and see if it was real or not. Good job. But he's dumb too, sooo.

bread_fml 0

You're better off. If he's convinced he can recognize the rejection hotline number (how often has the guy been rejected?) then he's got to have some issues.

From the sounds of it, you got played.

Why are all of you assuming that he recognises the number (or something close to it, at least) because he's some insecure person who got rejected a lot? The OP said he was cute -- maybe he just used it himself to reject girls :-P

saywhatgirl 0

He must have been rejected a lot if he can recognize the number... not the kind of guy you should be lookin for.

ilovefmlife 0
so_me_fml 0

I see what you're saying #65, it DOESN'T make sense, but you're also not taking into account that there are just some people out there who think they're so much cooler than everyone else, and who find it funny to try and make other people look like fools. If he frequents FML, he's probably very proud of himself right now, and calling up his frat boy friends to come look at it. ...Had something like this happen to me in high school... Not that it wasn't obvious the way I was ranting :P

Lady_Luck 0

He must get it a lot if he can recognize it x3