By dancer101 - 04/02/2011 15:01 - United States

Today, I met my daughter's boyfriend, who she hopes to marry. I asked what he does, to which he answered, "I'm a Flamencologist." Flamencology? The study of Flamenco? Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 884
You deserved it 7 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sammy_Baby 0


MrBond007_fml 6

to sirin..... maaaybeee, and if that makes me wrong, than baby I don't want to be right!!!

IvyPeaches 0

Flamencology: the study of flamers

savkimmad14 0

ahhaha wow , thats quite an answer :D

and what is wrong with that? u're a judgmental jerk!

meganfoxboner 0

your life isn't ****** at all cool your shit

sooo fyl because he is smarter than you and has a better job and you dunno what that job means ?? or fyl because it's a dumb job

Flamencology, from the Spanish word Flamencología, is an academic discipline pertaining to the Flamenco arts. It combines research, documentation, and other techniques to achieve the diffusion and preservation of the art.

megaaann: or they might be "too" dumb to even use the right "too"

love_never_fails 2

flamencologists combine research, documentation, and other techniques to achieve the diffusion and preservation of the art. look it up dumbasses