By dancer101 - 04/02/2011 15:01 - United States

Today, I met my daughter's boyfriend, who she hopes to marry. I asked what he does, to which he answered, "I'm a Flamencologist." Flamencology? The study of Flamenco? Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 884
You deserved it 7 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sammy_Baby 0


"Flamencology, from the Spanish word Flamencología, is an academic discipline pertaining to the Flamenco arts. It combines research, documentation, and other techniques to achieve the diffusion and preservation of the art." - got that from Wikipedia.

i looked it up, and its the study of flamenco dancing. obviously SOME people are to dumb to even google it.

lol atleast you get free flamenco lessons..... i guess...

Wombo. Wombologist. Wombology, the study of Wombo? It's first grade, OP.

compworks 4

I know that I should respect my elders, but let me take a break to say that you are a dumb asshole and that your daughter is gonna be well off with her boyfriend. YDI

Peasanthunter_fml 0

Learn to write better fmls. Tyvm

sharklova66 0

what the hell is your picture?

Your username is "dancer101" ... shouldn't you appreciate what he does as a fellow dancer??

Hey, uh Sirin, has you know, uh, anyone ever told you that you are the coolest person ever? You know, just a little bit? Hmm?