By dancer101 - 04/02/2011 15:01 - United States

Today, I met my daughter's boyfriend, who she hopes to marry. I asked what he does, to which he answered, "I'm a Flamencologist." Flamencology? The study of Flamenco? Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 884
You deserved it 7 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sammy_Baby 0


I'd say YTDI for so harshly judging the man your daughter loves solely based on his job. I'd understand if he had said something like "I rob banks", but at least he's a man making an honest living even if it's by something you think silly.

I think you mean your daughters boyfriend is a fmlcologist. The study of FML. and he'll be reading this post and responding to it.

keshafan101 0

flemenco is a style of dance for gypsies

kristineszLIFE 0

These FMLs are getting ridiculous

dirtbiker172 0

what the hell, you shouldnt even put this on FML it doesnt even make sense. its really not an FML situation.

sublime420 11

I hope he enjoys his employment at Subway.

alicec123 0

I don't see how your life sucks because your daughter hopes to marry someone who studies flamenco. Sure, it's a little unusual, but your life DOES NOT SUCK.

GailLeeRussell 2

FYL for being such a dumbass . I'm 14 and even I know that this is obviously a good thing .

Aiyannamae123 0