By vistingherfamily - 25/11/2011 02:09 - United States

By vistingherfamily - 25/11/2011 02:09 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 14:06 - Canada
By Anonymous - 02/09/2009 05:56 - United States
By aj513 - 29/11/2015 01:20 - United States - New Bedford
By Anonymous - 26/08/2024 13:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/01/2014 05:10 - United States - Denver
By Anonymous - 24/12/2012 18:02 - United Kingdom - Saint Neots
By IceMage - 18/01/2010 00:57 - United States
By rahrahcakes - 19/03/2012 07:36 - Australia - Brisbane
By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 06:30 - United States
By talkssuck - 30/03/2009 21:44 - United States
She will be amazed when she learn what "pull out" technique is.
Oh yeah considering if they do that 9 months later there will be 3 going through that same door.
This sounds like the parents of a guy who I just broke up wth(best decision ever).
#13, I'd certainly never risk it, yet I've known couples married for 20 years, where that actually worked for them... (and they actually successfully planned when they'd have their kids.) (I fully realise it's entirely unreliable, but it's hardly guaranteed that it will fail.)
I know from personal experience that "pulling out" isn't always going to prevent pregnancy. Just like basketball you have to dribble a little before you shoot. Some men that dribble is enough to do it.
Hey any of you considered that they might want grand children ? No protection ?
That isn't effective.
#49 Well, no birth control is 100% effective. Condoms can break; birth control can fail; hell, condoms and birth control together can still lead to pregnancy.
You know... I don't believe that always works. #experience
105 I realize that, I was just stating that the "pull out" method is more likely to cause it.
Your picture matches perfectly #11.
27, the mother isn't an idiot. she knows sex without a comdom equals a kid or an STD. She does jot want them to have sex before marriage, and if they had comdoms or pills, guess what they were planning on doing.
maybe she was checking for birth control pills and condoms cause she wanted them to have grandkids
Then why would she want them in separate bedrooms? I think she'd have set up a love nest if she wanted them to procreate.
Well she sounds over paranoid good luck op
If he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear.
Thanks for the shaft
How old were you when you grew your condom??? Mine hasn't grown on yet...
If your old enough to live on your own, it's really none of her business though even though she should take birth control.
47 - Not shit. reminds me of a crazy Jesus freak teacher I had in high school that told us if you take birth control, you'll end up barren. Lmao. My mom was on the pills for 10 years and when she stopped taking them she got pregnant 3 weeks later.
Little science fact, #47. Taking the pill has no effect whatsoever on one's fertility after taking the pill (except perhaps in the first month or so as the body readjusts). If a woman IS less fertile after being on the pill, it is only because she is older and fertility decreases with age. And if you have trouble getting pregnant after going off the pill, and you've never been pregnant before, how do you know you wouldn't have had the same trouble regardless?
just shit on her face on poke holes in her condums
Why ydi? We all need to sleep.
She's right, I was a leutenant back in '96 when we had a very important mission to assasinate a weapon smuggler, the top priority on our list. It was in prypiat, I was sleeping when the window of opportunity to assasinate the guy passed. Needless to say, he's still alive and the main catalist for WWIII. Sleeping is not an option!!!!!
Did she find them? You have to conceal these things in a very discreet place. Like for example: I strap them around my thigh, nobody looks there.
I always come prepared with the condom already on. They never think to check there.
She will be amazed when she learn what "pull out" technique is.