By chumman - 06/05/2014 13:55 - United States - New York

Today, I met this overweight chick and ended up sleeping with her. We were doing it doggy style and it was great until she said, "Milk me like a cow." I can no longer drink milk without hearing that in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 168
You deserved it 20 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well thanks OP. Now none of us can drink milk without thinking about that too.

Seems like you were a bit too thirsty..


Maybe she felt OP was hung like a bull and felt the 'cow' mood coming over her? I'll think of it like that... Good for you, OP! :D

I'm just wondering whether you were able to finish after that...

RedPillSucks 31

No. They both rushed off to McDonalds for the Angus Burger.

Her sister heard everything.

Better than "stuff me like a turkey". :P

I was thinking about this one as well. This could simply be another bullshit FML someone's just made up after reading the "Stuff me like a turkey" one a couple of weeks ago.

voguesheep 4

I'm gonna finish you like a cheesecake

the_smurf 5