By BMike - 11/07/2011 18:16 - United States

Today, I moved into my new house. I went over to my neighbors' house to introduce myself. As they opened the door I saw a telescope pointed at my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 592
You deserved it 2 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mi24hind 0

I wonder if that's why the original owner moved.


you ever heard of star gazing? stars are probable over your house so they weren't necessarily looking at you...

WillDaBeast83 0

yeah a picture of rosy o'donnal should do.

allthatremains25 0

stand at the window it's pointed at and wave at them. creep them out back!

Well in that case, there's probably no need to introduce yourself. They know all about you already.

they wanted to see your full moon..,

You got yourself some friendly new stalkers. derpa derp derp.. Durrr hurr hurr