By BMike - 11/07/2011 18:16 - United States

Today, I moved into my new house. I went over to my neighbors' house to introduce myself. As they opened the door I saw a telescope pointed at my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 592
You deserved it 2 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mi24hind 0

I wonder if that's why the original owner moved.


lidemocr 0

don't flatter yourself, really. it's not as if they were looking through it when you saw it. it was probably just set that way.

stepho14 0
RebekahBrooke 9

EEP! That is soo creepy! D: do your best to NEVER visit!

maffy4ever 8

maybe they stalked the people before you? (:

instantaction 0

wow nice neighbors you got yourself there. ;]

they are looking at you because your a star :)

put a picture of a very very hairy fat man who is nekkid in the window they would look in. =D