By Not_you17 - 09/09/2011 04:04 - United States

Today, I needed to pay off a $35 parking ticket. To try and get some sort of revenge, I went to the bank and got 3,500 pennies, dumped them into a bucket, and refused to pay with anything besides the pennies. They called the police. I was arrested and cited $147. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 447
You deserved it 49 170

Not_you17 tells us more.

Ok so here is an update, they canceled my $147 fine because I was using 100% legal us tender. However in order to pay off the $35 in pennies they had to either be rolled by the bank or I had to count them 1 by 1, so I rolled 'em.

Top comments

What on earth for? What did they cite you with? There's no violation of any law civil or criminal there...

A bucket full of pennies is a perfectly legitimate way to pay. They are legal tender. An idiotic way to pay would be like with sticks of gum.


cadillacgal79 32

YDI, Don't try and get revenge just pay the ticket and get it over with.

Cosmic_Kush 4

You know what they did was completely illegal they have to take that form of payment they cannot reject any form of American currency

YOU were the one who violated the law and got a parking ticket... How pathetic are you to want to waste some poor clerk (and other customers') time by getting "revenge"?

you dont need revenge when you obviously did something wrong

Money is Money, unless it's Blood Money.

You were in the wrong with a parking violation and somehow it's there fault?

KrazyKatz3 26

The best way to get revenge from a parking ticket is to park so amazingly they can never catch you again

revenge??? the poor person taking your money is not the person who gave you a ticket. you are obviously an ass

I'm assuming you did something else because they cannot arrest you for paying in pennies. did you make a stink? refuse to leave? I think you're leaving out some important details. ydi