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By dani911 - 15/07/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I noticed a car following me all the way to my house. It was dark so I got really nervous and called the police. The person got out of the car. It was my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 714
You deserved it 37 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aerials_fml 0

I don't get why people are saying she deserved it. Maybe calling the cops was a little too much but I guess it's understandable. You can never be too careful these days.

ehh, it's understandable to be a bit concerned that a car is following you.... but you really didn't recognize it? I know it was dark, but still.


1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YDI for ur mom looking like a suspect

You know what, I think that your reply is in the top 10 most ridiculously aggravating replies to read. The rest are by me. Anyhow, YDI for being paranoid. Seriously, be concerned, be scared, but don't be an idiot about it. Also, DEFINITELY not an FML. I can't believe how low the standards are any more.

The guy/girl who replied 1st is an idiot and so is the OP.

How was that aggravating to read? wow sometimes i just dont know anymore

Because of the foolishness contained within.

Today, I was following my daughter home to make sure she was ok. she got afraid and called the cops. FML

aerials_fml 0

I don't get why people are saying she deserved it. Maybe calling the cops was a little too much but I guess it's understandable. You can never be too careful these days.

rachelbrianna25 0

ehh, it's understandable to be a bit concerned that a car is following you.... but you really didn't recognize it? I know it was dark, but still.

Depending on what part of GA you're talking about, I understand perfectly.

dakrock13 0

thats ok...ive freaked out like that before. better safe than sorry, especially since youre a girl

Seti_fml 0

why did your mom follow you and not offer you a ride home? that doesn't make any sense!

... maybe because it would be silly to leave one car behind?

Seti_fml 0

i got the idea that the op was walking for some reason... lol i should have read that more carefully.

Exactly! If it's at night, you can't see the color and shape of the car very well, all you can see is headlights, and a lot of different kinds of cars look the same just from the headlights, so it's very reasonable that you might not be able to recognize her car. You're very smart for calling the police, especially you being female (and it sounds like you were alone). Your safety is more important than looking 'cool' or 'tough' or whatever. It would -really- be an FML if you didn't call the police and that wasn't your mom... think about it, which is worse?

arioch_fml 20

Can also assume different locations. Op should have known if they came from the same place that it was her mother.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH hilarious. why would'nt she stop and pick you up?

were you driving or walking? either way, i lol'd.

Could you not recognize your mom's car? :

stephanieeDawnx 0