By aliqi - 12/05/2012 20:48 - United States

Today, I noticed a little white ball in the corner of my bedroom ceiling. I guess it had been there for a while already, but the teeming mass of baby spiders crawling out made it a lot more conspicuous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 310
You deserved it 3 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

janelly16 7

Reading this gives me The chills

Kill it. Kill it with fire, a massive book, a chainsaw, bleach, water, your hands (not recommended), a sword, juice, liquid nitrogen, grenades, a minigun and possibly a thumb tack. Last option: burn house down.


Aww, they probably think you're their mommy! ...Err, daddy... Congrats!!! :D

SeanMargalit 0

The itsee bitsee spiders climed down OP's wall... Haha

Keiren 14

Auugh. I agree with lots of people. Torch the house.

b0ngs 7

Lawd! I just had a HP flashback to where Aragog's 'babies' come crawling out 0.o

Op, I don't want to creep you out anymore than you already may be, but, I read statistically you'll swallow about 6 spiders while asleep through out your life time. :p Icky.

Now I will never sleep again, in my life. Thanks

Fonze13 0

Not for op he's/ she's ganna have like 20

I don't want to freak you out, but in so cal where I live, those " white balls" are black widow egg sacks.

Thank ******* god I don't live there, not even the same country, lawl

Kill it with caramel hands!!!!! Thumbs up I you've seen thy video

what does that have to do with the fml noor?lol