By aliqi - 12/05/2012 20:48 - United States

Today, I noticed a little white ball in the corner of my bedroom ceiling. I guess it had been there for a while already, but the teeming mass of baby spiders crawling out made it a lot more conspicuous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 310
You deserved it 3 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

janelly16 7

Reading this gives me The chills

Kill it. Kill it with fire, a massive book, a chainsaw, bleach, water, your hands (not recommended), a sword, juice, liquid nitrogen, grenades, a minigun and possibly a thumb tack. Last option: burn house down.


There's no spiders on mars, that's what.

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids. In fact it's cold as hell.

wlddog 14

Ok ok... Torching the house is a bit extreme. Instead you should get a few cans of bug bomb and let them loose. Then leave the house for a few days and have a team of dozers level the house just to be sure. If you get a fire going you could burn down more than just your house.

wlddog 14

My pleasure. I love my house too much to watch it burn because the idiot next door saw a spider.

Except you can't...(I'm definitely not saying you're a complete dumbass or anything)

I sincerely hope you're not arachnophobic... And that they're not poisonous...

Stormdriven37 6

I modded this.....I need to get a life. Op that sucks but you should get a vacuum to sick those spiders up.

day624 14

Oh crap i would hate to have to be you

And there's no one to raise them if you did.